Video Marketing: Shocking Case Studies

Ice Bucket Challenge
The Ice Bucket Challenge was a campaign driven by Corey Grifin in July 2014.
Objective: Corey Griffin started the campaign to help a friend who was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a progressive degenerative disease.
Strategy: He designed the Ice Bucket Challenge, which is based on having a bucket of ice water poured on one’s head and challenge others to do so, and if they do not accept the challenge, they must make a $100 donation.
Results: This challenge managed to raise $ 16 million in contributions. Challenge videos were uploaded by 2.4 million people worldwide, being viewed more than 10 billion times, reaching over 440 million views, between June 1 and August 17, 2014.
LG Electronics is one of the largest electronics companies, based in Seoul, South Korea. It is one of the largest electronic conglomerates in the world and is a trademark of LG Group.
Objective: LG launched its new range of ultra-thin Super LED monitors and wanted to sponsor these new products in order to obtain a growth in sales.
Strategy: They did this through a flash mob performance, and then broadcast it on the world’s largest LED screen.
Results: This video became a viral success in Europe, North and South America, getting more than 1 million views in just a couple of months.
Dove is a line of personal care products.
Objective: Media Contacts Philippines was challenged by Dove to expand its consumer base to include younger women. They wanted to do this with a new product called Dove Go Fresh.
Strategy: The strategy they used was to give young people an opportunity to become a celebrity, reinforcing the importance of personal hygiene and expressing their own personality by adding accessories to their shower and singing a song in the shower.
The challenge ended up as a live talent show, and the participants ’videos, as part of the “Showeroke”, were collected in several blogs.
Results: They obtained 18,000 readers, and fans voted for their favorites. The top rated ones sang live with a band. The Dove Bar penetration went from 13.7% to 18.4%, and the Dove Body wash loyalty went from 24% to 27.6%.
Social Robot Case Study
Objective: Social Robot Pro is a software able to build more than 500 high-quality links to any URL you want, with just a few mouse clicks.
You can easily filter individual projects and Social Base sites to target exactly what you want. This software will give you the ranking you deserve.
Social Robot Pro uses a local database. That means that everything that happens in Social Robot is stored in its database and remains there until you remove it
Results: Joshua Zamora says ‘I use this software and record everything on video, all live’. This tool places your video in the first page of Google in 48 hours or less.
Scale Social
Joshua Zamora again provides a little guidance, but this time on using “ScaleSocial” software.
Objective: He wanted to get a good search engine ranking in a short time, and also earn a good commission for it.
Strategy: He is an Amazon affiliate. He provides a product, promotes it with a video, and uses the Scale Social software to obtain excellent results. Also, he shows what products may more likely be sold.
Results: He achieved his goal, getting positioned among Google’s top search rankings in just 19 hours. This gave him the opportunity to quickly sell this product.
Imagine The Possibilities | Barbie
Barbie is a doll brand, manufactured by the American toy-company Mattel, Inc. and launched in March of 1959.
Objective: Mattel wanted to create an advertisement aimed to parents, in order to connect with a new generation of parents, and the ad they used was “Imagine the possibilities”.
Strategy: They created a video focusing on the “You can be anything” theme. It was a video without a script in which girls were posing as professionals: veterinarians, athletes, businesswomen, and teachers, all of whom were chosen by the girls, and hidden cameras filmed the action while the adults played with them.
Results: This video has accumulated 10 million views on YouTube, receiving many favorable comments and reactions.
Android: Friends Forever
Android is an operating system based on the Linux kernel.
Objective: Android wanted to spread a message about being together, cooperation and tolerance.
Strategy: They made a unique advertisement, presenting a life lesson by showing the love and friendship that is developed between animals of different species. In the video, there are unconventional pairs of animals: dogs and elephants, chimpanzees and horses, and even tigers and bears.
Results: The one-minute video has become the most common ad of all times. It has been shared a total of 6.4 million times in social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and blogs.
Coldplay’s Game of Thrones: The Musical
Game of Thrones is a medieval fantasy series, based on the novel series by George RR Martin.
Objective: One would think that Game of Thrones was not suitable for the Broadway musical format, but they wanted to see the impact if it was carried out.
Strategy: Coldplay created a parody video that included the cast of the hit show. In the video, the narrator Liam Neeson says that Coldplay is “working secretly” in his Thrones musical. The band is dedicated to creating 16 ridiculous songs based on actions committed in the series.
The only problem is that the writer, George RR Martin denied the band the permission to carry out the project.
Results: Even though they did not get the permission from the author of the books, the video turned out to be a huge hit on the Internet, getting 15 million visits.
“My dad’s story”: Dream for My Child | MetLife
MetLife is a world class company.
Objective: It invites viewers to visit and find out about MetLife savings plans for parents, to save money for the higher education of children.
Strategy: They made a video entitled “My dad’s story”, in which a father reads the essay that his daughter wrote about him, as the voice of the girl narrates the essay.
It praises the father, highlighting his features. Then, she reveals that she knows more than what her father lets her see. “He lies”, she says, “he lies because of me” It becomes clear that the father is carrying a wide range of menial jobs to earn money for the higher education of his daughter. The bottom line is “The future of a child is worth any sacrifice.”
Results: The video has touched people throughout the region, 27.6 million people watched the video on YouTube and Facebook, 7 million people shared the video with friends and family, 268 million people have read about the video through 91 news reports and 280,000 people visited BIDV MetLife and MetLife microsites in Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Vietnam.
Disney Characters Surprise Shoppers | Disney Side | Disney Parks
The Walt Disney Company is the world’s second largest media and entertainment company.
Strategy: Disney produced a video in February 2015 in which Disney characters hid behind a moving lighted screen, disguised as a showcase. As people walked, the characters became their shadow, showing movements and a mimic dance, thus getting smiles and interaction with people.
Results: The video received 5 million views on YouTube and has gained a lot of media coverage. It also got more people to consider visiting Disney with their family.