Courses: PC Support

These days, many workplaces couldn’t function properly without the help of support workers fixing both computers and networks, while advising users on a day to day basis. The desire for such skilled and qualified members of the workforce is constantly growing, as everywhere we work becomes more and more technologically advanced. Seeing as the computer market provides some outstanding career possibilities for everyone – what questions do we need to be posing and what elements carry the most importance?
Don’t get hung-up, as can often be the case, on the certification itself. Training is not an end in itself; this is about employment. Begin and continue with the end in mind. It’s a sad fact, but a large percentage of students commence training that sounds great in the prospectus, but which provide the end-result of a job which doesn’t satisfy. Speak to a selection of college graduates and you’ll see where we’re coming from. Stay tuned-in to what you want to achieve, and build your study action-plan from that – avoid getting them back-to-front. Stay focused on the end-goal and ensure that you’re training for something you’ll enjoy for years to come. It’s worth seeking guidance from someone that understands the market you think may suit you, and is able to give you ‘A day in the life of’ type of explanation for each job considered. All of these things are essential because you obviously have to know if this change is right for you.
You should only consider learning programmes that move onto industry approved qualifications. There are far too many trainers promoting unknown ‘in-house’ certificates that are essentially useless when you start your job-search. From an employer’s viewpoint, only top businesses such as Microsoft, Adobe, CompTIA or Cisco (as an example) provide enough commercial weight. Anything less won’t make the grade.
We’d hazard a guess that you probably enjoy fairly practical work – a ‘hands-on’ type. If you’re like us, the unfortunate chore of reading reference guides can be just about bared when essential, but it’s not ideal. Consider interactive, multimedia study if books just don’t do it for you. Our ability to remember is increased with an involvement of all our senses – this has been an accepted fact in expert circles for decades now. Start a study-program in which you’ll receive a selection of CD and DVD based materials – you’ll learn by watching video tutorials and demonstrations, with the facility to practice your skills in interactive lab’s. You must see the type of training provided by each company you’re contemplating. Be sure that they contain instructor-led video demonstrations with virtual practice-lab’s. Pick disc based courseware (On CD or DVD) if possible. You’re then protected from internet connection failure and issues with signal quality.
If you forget everything else – then just remember this: It’s essential to obtain proper 24×7 round-the-clock instructor and mentor support. You’ll definitely experience problems if you let this one slide. Look for training with proper support available at all hours of the day and night (no matter if it’s in the middle of the night on a weekend!) Make sure it’s always direct access to tutors and not a message system as this will slow you down – waiting for tutors to call you back at a convenient time for them. The very best training providers have many support offices from around the world. They use an online interactive interface to provide a seamless experience; any time of the day or night – help is just a click away with no hassle or contact issues. If you accept anything less than 24×7 support, you’ll regret it very quickly. It may be that you don’t use it during late nights, but you’re bound to use weekends, early mornings or even late evenings at some point?
Consider the points below very carefully if you think the sales ploy of examination guarantees seems like a good idea: Everyone knows they’re ultimately paying for it – it’s not so hard to see that it’s already been included in the overall figure from the course provider. Certainly, it’s not a freebie – don’t think these companies are so generous with their money! Students who go in for their examinations when it’s appropriate, paying for them just before taking them are in a much stronger position to qualify at the first attempt. They are thoughtful of what they’ve paid and prepare more appropriately to be ready for the task. Don’t you think it’s more sensible to go for the best offer when you’re ready, not to pay any mark-up to a training course provider, and to take it closer to home – instead of the remote centre that’s convenient only to the trainer? A surprising number of questionable training companies secure a great deal of profit through charging for exams at the start of the course then cashing in if they’re not all taken. The majority of companies will require you to sit pre-tests and with-hold subsequent exam entries from you until you have proved to them you have a good chance of passing – making an ‘exam guarantee’ just about worthless. Exams taken at local centres are approximately 112 pounds in Great Britain. Why spend so much more on ‘Exam Guarantee’ costs (often covertly rolled into the cost of the course) – when good quality study materials, the proper support and commitment, effort and practice with quality exam preparation systems are the factors that really get you through.
We’re regularly asked to explain why academic qualifications are being overtaken by more commercially accredited qualifications? As we require increasingly more effective technological know-how, industry has moved to the specialised core-skills learning only available through the vendors themselves – for example companies like CISCO, Adobe, Microsoft and CompTIA. This frequently provides reductions in both cost and time. Of course, a reasonable amount of relevant additional information must be learned, but essential specialised knowledge in the areas needed gives a commercially educated student a distinct advantage. It’s rather like the advert: ‘It does what it says on the tin’. The company just needs to know what they need doing and then match up the appropriate exam numbers as a requirement. They’ll know then that all applicants can do what they need.
The world of information technology is one of the more thrilling and changing industries that you can get into right now. Being a member of a team working on breakthroughs in technology means you’re a part of the huge progress affecting everyone who lives in the 21st century. We’re barely beginning to get a handle on what this change will mean to us. The way we communicate and interact with everyone around us will be massively affected by computers and the internet. The standard IT worker in the UK can demonstrate that they earn significantly more than employees on a par outside of IT. Mean average wages are around the top of national league tables. Apparently there is no end in sight for IT industry expansion across Britain. The industry continues to grow rapidly, and as we have a skills gap that means we only typically have three IT workers for every four jobs it’s most unlikely that things will be any different for years to come.