Increase Impact and Make More Money on YouTube

Increase Impact and Make More Money on YouTube

At this point there is plenty for you to be getting on with but let’s take a look at just a few more strategies you can use to start maximizing the effectiveness of your YouTube campaigns and your ROI.

Use Your Analytics

YouTube Analytics allows you to see which of your videos are performing best, where your main viewers are coming from and how much of your videos are getting watched. This data can be highly valuable when it comes to helping your channel to thrive – it shows you which videos you should be making more of and which aren’t working.

What’s more, it can guide you on the perfect length for your videos and it can help you to learn who your audience really is. All aspects of internet marketing are much more effective when you stay tuned to your analytics and YouTube is no different.

Team Up

We mentioned earlier how having featured videos could help you start a positive relationship with other YouTubers and this is a very useful strategy. ‘Influencer marketing’ is the process of reaching out to the biggest influencers and thought leaders in your niche and then getting them to work with you.

For instance, you might find someone else who vlogs on the same subject you do and then have them conduct and interview with you or vice versa. Alternatively, you might make videos that complement one another or give each other a shoutout. This way, you can exchange some of your followers with each other and this is a mutually highly beneficial technique. Don’t be afraid to contact people!

Embed and Share Your Videos

The great thing about YouTube videos is that they’re so easy to embed and share. If you have a website, then you should definitely be embedding your videos there and you can even use widgets that will show your most recent videos in the right hand column every time you upload them. Likewise, you should be sharing your videos to forums, to Reddit, to social media and more. Get it out there and you’ll increase your views and exposure.

Add Your Link

Once you’ve ‘linked’ your website to your Google+ account, you’ll then be able to include links to your site on the labels and annotations that appear on your videos. This is a great trick because it means you can direct traffic to your site directly from your videos with a strong call to action.

Develop Your Powers of Persuasion

And speaking of calls to action… make sure that you include them at the ends of your videos. This is the point where you tell people why they should buy your product, sign up to your mailing list or visit your site and then compel them to do so. Make sure you use these and if you’re trying to sell a product, try to include some time pressure or ‘scarcity’ that will encourage your viewers to act more impulsively.

Post as Regularly as You Can

With any form of marketing, consistency is highly important. This is no different with YouTube marketing, so make sure that you are uploading your videos regularly and that you have a constant stream of new content for your visitors. As well as being encouraging and giving people reason to keep coming back, more videos also just means more content to discover and more ‘in-roads’ to your brand and your channel. Don’t slack!

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