Some More Forms of Media Content

Google loves to see all types of media on websites, because people like to consume content in all different forms. Now that fast internet is available in most areas of the world, content like pictures and videos has become much more popular. Sites like YouTube and Pinterest are regularly among the highest traffic websites, because people love these forms of media—often more so than written content.
While you do still need to have written content on your site for SEO purposes, having other types of media also gives you a nice boost. Let’s take a look at some of the different types of media you can add to your website in order to minimize the amount of writing and research you have to do, as well as to attract visitors who love alternate forms of media.
Slideshows have become incredibly popular these days, with a lot of major sites using them. Because they focus so heavily on images, there is very little writing involved. All you have to do is write a very short blurb of content to go along with each image, or a caption or short description. Content creation doesn’t get much easier than slideshows!
When you create a slideshow, make sure you have a specific format to follow.
For example:
- Top 10 Antioxidant-Rich Foods
- 15 Places To Visit Before You Die
- 25 Actors Who Died Too Young
Then you just need to write a short paragraph describing each slide. For example, in the “15 Places To Visit Before You Die” slideshow, you’d describe the location, and tell people exactly why you’ve chosen that location as one of those must-visit places.
Video Roundups
Like roundups of written content, video roundups will save you a lot of time. All you have to do is find a few videos on YouTube that fit in with a single topic and embed them into a single blog post or web page, and write a commentary on each one. (Don’t just link to the videos, because you want the traffic to stay on your site.)
Your commentary could be your own description or thoughts on the content of the videos, or perhaps even an opposing viewpoint to the one presented.Since videos take time to watch, its best to keep video roundups to a maximum of 10 videos per roundup, with 3-5 being the ideal number for most purposes.
Videos With Commentary
You can also make use of a single video by offering more in-depth commentary. Because there is a video, you don’t need to write 1,000+ words like you would in text-only articles. You can get by with 300 words or less if a video is included.
Music Roundups
Music roundups can be great content if you can find a topic that fits with the theme of your site. For example, you could round up mood music that goes along with particular holidays or events, or music that inspires certain moods, like romance, hard work, or exercise.
While infographics aren’t quite as popular as they were when they first became popular, they are still a great way to present information on a topic without a lot of writing, and in a way people can easily digest and understand.
They are also great for attracting traffic via Pinterest, because they generally take up a lot of screen real estate and they do draw the eye in a sea of boring images.